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How to have your favorite drink?

How to have your favorite drink?
July 26, 2018 Maitri Ramaiya

I am a freak that way. Till you don’t answer my “Why ?” There is a rare chance that you will have me do what you want me to. I don’t follow INSTRUCTIONS. I follow REASONING. And that’s what I like to bring out as well.

I had had an insufferable intolerant digestive system and if you do too, you will understand the amount of unsolicited advice you invite. And so with some pros encouraging the consumption of water during your meal saying it assists digestion and others saying “No water!” during meals. And some new experts encouraging warm water after your lunch, a thoroughly confused me decided to decode this mystery.

It so turns out that having water immediately after a meal has 2 hazardous effects.

  1. It dilutes the bile secreted to digest the food recently ingested. Leading to inappropriate inadequate digestion of then food consumed (no matter how healthy you ate)
  2. Cold water consumed immediately after or during meals freezes the food in the belly and instead of breaking down and being digested this food lands up clotting and becoming a thick undigestable mass which remains in its clot form and does not digest. Kept that way for a long time it starts getting toxic and releasing poisonous toxins into your system leading to various concerns with the digestive system and other related problems.

Safe advise with water. Have it 30 minutes pre lunch And atleast 60 mins post. If you are absolutely dying during your meal, keep it to a sip. No more.

Enjoy an informed H2O day today.