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How to lose weight while cheating?

How to lose weight while cheating?
July 26, 2018 Maitri Ramaiya

Cheat meals make you fitter faster

“I haven’t done a cheat meal in the last 6 months, and still the body is not moving” regular line heard at gym.

Am sure many if you face similar issues (provided you have been honest with yourself) because there is really no one to prove wrong or prove a point to except yourself.

Do you ever think why your nutritionist keeps changing you plan every 30 days? Why do people say keep changing your workout and diet for best results? How does CHANGE breed growth?

Enter Growth Hormone.

As the name suggests, the role of the Growth Hormone is to supply the ingested minerals and vitamins to the muscles and tissues to enable growth. However it is a lazy hormone. It wakes up only when it is shocked. If you continue to eat the same diet without any change, the GH dozes off after having set the system to digest it. And with it sleeps any growth in muscle. The moment a new element is added to the meal, or timings are changed the GH is forced to wake up and get it’s employees (supply of blood and circulation) to revamp strategies to digest the newly entered element.

If your keto is stalling try taking a 2-3 day carb break. Where you have starchy carbs like pasta and sugary foods. (Don’t worry the weight gain is largely body storing water with the carbs. It will go as fast as it came). The GH will get a jump start and as it starts settling into the carb meal you will bring it back to keto. Viola! GH jumps again bringing you maximum gains!

Which is why when a lot of us go on holidays we lose weight on junk for a short while. And feel happy and announce to others that you actually lost weight “Cheating”

But then, that is actually the truth 🙂 You did lose weight cheating as you force your Growth Hormone to deliver best results to you with every change you make!

This octopus landed up in my belly later in the evening to boost my GH.

Change the Meal. Boost the GH.

  • Time your cheat meals in quantity and quality under the supervision of a qualified Nutritionist